Crisis & Media Training
We help you pressure-test your strategy and organisation.
A constantly changing media landscape makes it difficult to predict where a crisis may occur. It also affects the extent of the effects and which parts of the organisation will be involved. With Aspekta’s concept ‘Crisis 360 Degrees’, you will experience a realistic tailor-made crisis scenario designed to test both your crisis strategy and organisation.
Why is it important to conduct crisis training?
- It adds practical experience to theoretical knowledge of crisis management
- It shows how your strategy copes with a crisis situation
- It clarifies weaknesses and improvement opportunities that help better prepare you for a real crisis
- It provides the crisis organisation with valuable insights into what a crisis situation may look like, feel like, and entail
- Just like in a real crisis situation, you will be exposed to information from all directions and must sift between what is important and what is not
Examples of what we can help you with
- A crisis management role-playing game based on a realistic scenario tailored to your business
- An inventory of the most critical crisis situations and risks your business may face
- Review, feedback, and practical advice after completing the role-play to directly strengthen your preparations
Do you want to know more? Contact one of us: